Trump’s landslide victory in Iowa is bad news for Hamas and Mexican drug cartels

As ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg detailed in the aftermath of this week’s Iowa caucuses, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump defied both history and liberal media organizations by winning a landslide victory in the first-in-the-nation contest. Trump gained 51% of the votes from caucus-goers while crushing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s hopes of an upset (he received just 21%) and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, who posted only 19% support.
Haley had been the beneficiary of a concerted campaign by liberal, mainstream media outlets who portrayed her in the week leading up to the caucuses as “surging” among potential Iowa voters. Several—including the New York Times, MSNBC, The Washington Post and CBS News—pegged Haley with “Big Mo” (media jargon for “momentum”) and strongly suggested she would keep Trump’s margin of victory below 50%. But her supposed “upset” fizzled as she placed a distant 3rd behind the former president.
Much has been justifiably made of Trump’s stunning support by over 53% of Evangelical Christians in the Hawkeye state, also confounding broadcast and print media. During the final days of the Iowa campaign, much attention was paid to how Trump captured the loyalty and support of Evangelicals. After all, they reasoned, why would God-fearing Christians support a man who was impeached twice during his term as the 45th president of the United States? Just two days before the vote, The Washington Post positioned Trump as “an unlikely hero for those who identify as deeply religious Christians given his history of committing adultery, promoting falsehoods, and uttering vulgar comments and insults about women and people who cross him.”
As usual, the media spin-meisters missed the big picture. In my opinion, the seeds of Trump’s victory were laid by the Biden administration ignoring waves of illegals invading America through the border with Mexico… as well as the bloody, horrific attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7. Featuring Israelis still being held hostage, the front page headline in The New York Post on Jan. 15 blared: “100 DAYS IN HELL.” The sub-head noted the Iowa Caucuses were taking place the same day.

As the Hamas outrage has been compounded by ongoing college campus demonstrations from pro-Palestinian students in America—not to mention the absurd charges by South Africa and Australia that Israel’s retaliation against Hamas forces in Gaza constitutes “genocide” by Israel—I firmly believe Evangelicals in Iowa decided to stand with Israel by supporting her greatest ally in recent years: Donald J. Trump. President Joe Biden’s indication over the final pre-caucus weekend that he was “losing patience” with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have been the final straw. (How about “losing patience” with Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis?)
Ditto on the Biden “open border” policy which has opened the floodgates, allowing literally millions of illegals to pour across the U.S. border with Mexico during Biden’s term in office.
The resulting human trafficking, national security threats and skyrocketing crime rates across America are on searing display in a new documentary titled BorderWars. In it, filmmaker Nicole McCaw zeroes in on the unchecked stream of illegals entering the U.S. since January 2021…boldly depicting the cartels and violent gangs who are flooding America with deadly drugs like fentanyl, and revealing how every single illegal migrant sneaking across the border piles a myriad of social burdens to the U.S. social system…posing a clear and present danger to every American citizen.
Iowans, who have a history of making headlines, apparently felt that braving wind chills of -30 F degrees was worth it if they could help return to the White House the man whose signature issue back in 2016 was securing the American border. Salem Radio Network campaign correspondent Joey Hudson was based in Des Moines on Tuesday evening; despite media reports that “elderly” conservative voters wouldn’t venture out in the frigid temperatures, he attended one gathering of about 400 citizens where “the 60+-year-old crowd showed up with their wheelchairs, walkers and canes.” That’s Iowa.
Having begun in the mid-1800s, the Iowa caucuses were for over 100 years a little-noticed process to select delegates to national political conventions which took place in May or June. That all changed back in 1972 when Democratic Party reforms bumped the event to January…ahead of the first actual primary voting in New Hampshire. Back then, I was a paid coordinator for South Dakota’s junior U.S. Senator George McGovern, who was seeking the Democratic Party nomination for president.
Virtually unknown outside the Midwest, McGovern’s chances of beating frontrunner Edmund Muskie were considered minuscule since Muskie was a popular lawmaker from Maine, New Hampshire’s neighboring state. But with the Iowa caucuses hopscotching ahead of New Hampshire that year, campaign officials flew a number of us from Concord, New Hampshire to Des Moines, Iowa to hopefully generate some precious publicity if McGovern could generate any support.
From my personal experience in 1972 until this year’s caucuses, I can attest to January in Iowa being almost inhumanly cold. And voters there remain passionate about serious issues, which led to a “stunning” (media-speak) second-place finish by McGovern in 1972’s caucuses…where he posted 23% to Ed Muskie’s 35%...not to mention placing ahead of better-known figures like former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and New York Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm.
Iowa really came into its own four years later, as former Georgia governor Jimmy Carter secured 28% of the caucus votes, besting Indiana Senator Birch Bayh and former Senator Fred Harris of Oklahoma. Since then, long-shot candidates have seen Iowa as the Holy Grail of publicity…generating momentum and campaign donations to power them to future primary contests.
Donald Trump—no stranger to defying the odds and scoring political upsets—made campaign history this week, becoming the first person ever to pass the 50% threshold of support in contested, multi-candidate caucuses.
But if Trump’s Iowa victory sent shockwaves through the U.S. political establishment, my guess is it also is resonating in the spider-holes of Hamas and with leaders of the violent cartels along the Mexican border. They’re on notice that, thanks to Evangelicals and conservatives in Iowa, Donald Trump has taken the first important steps in his return to the White House this November. And when he’s sworn in as America’s 47th president, there’ll be a new sheriff in Washington ready to boldly reassert America as a leader in the world, vs. the weakness displayed on many fronts by the Joe Bidens and Antony Blinkens currently holding together America’s rudderless foreign policy.
Tom is a contributing editor for ALL ISRAEL NEWS. He has long served as vice president of News & Talk Programming for the Salem Radio Network and SRN News, the #1 Christian radio news network in the United States.