“How many Palestinians have given up their Israeli citizenship in favor of a Palestinian one since Oslo? Not even one,” Sa’ad Bin Tefla Al-’Ajmi writes
“How many Palestinians have given up their Israeli citizenship in favor of a Palestinian one since Oslo? Not even one,” Sa’ad Bin Tefla Al-’Ajmi writes
Zeldin: Biden’s visit to Jerusalem hospital serves to inflame tensions, rather than advance peace
Author contends that Biden's planned visit to Augusta Victoria in East Jerusalem undermines Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem
Augusta Victoria is a crossroads of life and death for the residents of East Jerusalem and Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza
Ghaith al-Omari – who serves on the ALL ARAB NEWS Advisory Board – notes that Biden has not invited the Palestinian leader to visit the White House
During his visit, Biden will announce U.S. funding for Palestinian hospitals and the president reportedly also asked Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar to match these funds
Watchdog uncovers new inciting school materials spread by the U.N.’s agency for Palestinian refugees and their descendants
The UN agency dedicated to Palestinian refugees placed inciteful employees on administrative leave following a UN Watch report
Ali Shihabi says the “right of return” illusion serves the interests of Arab regimes, suggests “an expanded Palestinian–Jordanian kingdom” as a solution to the conflict