New boutique hotel employs people with disabilities
New boutique hotel employs people with disabilities
Let’s help Palestinians grow economy instead, Rosenberg argues
Located in the West Bank city of Beit Jala, Jemima provides care and lots of love for residents with disabilities
The pilot program focuses on Palestinians residing in Bethlehem and Hebron
European partners react, reject Israel’s designation of NGOs as ‘terrorist’ organizations
PA hopes time is right to make another bid for inclusion; will lobby Arab, European nations for votes
Until now, Palestinians traveling abroad have had to cross into Jordan by land and fly from Amman
One textbook calls Israel “the greatest racist disaster that hit the Palestinian people” and says “the occupation continues its racist measures throughout Palestine”
Far-right Knesset Member Itamar Ben Gvir claims final act of the play depicts his execution
The resolution echoes a November 2021 letter to the U.S. president signed by 200 House Republicans stating the plan “would be inconsistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 that was reaffirmed in recent years with overwhelming bipartisan support.”