Known in biblical times as a place for agriculture, its name in Hebrew is “house of bread”
Known in biblical times as a place for agriculture, its name in Hebrew is “house of bread”
Hanukkiot can be found in windows in almost every neighborhood, regardless of whether people are secular or Orthodox
Yair Levi who never sought an international audience, was surprised to find himself building bridges with Christians
Jesus' own celebration of the holiday proves that everything he did was essentially Jewish
When Emeka arrived in Israel, he knew that God had brought him here for a purpose
"Victims don’t need pity – they need jobs." For over a decade, one couple has worked together to free people from forced labor and prostitution.
The Nablus-based group presents itself as a unifying force of violence in the West Bank – and a revolutionary phenomenon against both the PA and Israel
And do the ancient Hebrew prophets Daniel and Isaiah provide any clues on how to receive forgiveness without a Temple in Jerusalem?
The scapegoat in Leviticus is the opposite of a “scapegoat” as we use the word today when we blame someone else for our troubles