On THE ROSENBERG REPORT: From a radical Shia Muslim to the ‘Billy Graham of Iran,’ the amazing journey of Dr. Hormoz Shariat
Shariat: 'I may have been one of the first Muslims to question Islam and turn to Jesus, but millions have followed me'

When Dr. Hormoz Shariat heard of the October 7 attack in Israel, he was shocked and deeply saddened.
“Every time in the past 100 years when Israel has been attacked, it has won the war and has expanded. So, I kind of felt this is going to be very ugly, but Israel is going to benefit long-term from it,” he said.
These are not the kind of words one would have expected to hear from a person who grew up as a Muslim in Iran.
Shariat, however, had a miraculous transformation in his life. From marching the streets of Tehran before the 1979 Islamic Revolution chanting ‘Death to America,’ he came to faith in Jesus Christ.
Shariat, however, had experienced a profound and miraculous transformation in his life. While he once participated in marches on the streets of Tehran prior to the 1979 Islamic Revolution, fervently chanting 'Death to America,' he underwent a remarkable change, embracing faith in Jesus Christ.
Shariat shared his remarkable story with ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg.
“It's not just a personal story,” he said. “My story is repeated by millions of people...This journey I had.”

After the revolution in Iran, Shariat and his American wife moved to the United States to study. In his search for God and meaning in life, he thought he should become a “good Muslim” and study the Quran.
“I got a Bible and a Quran. I compared them. The more I studied, Joel, I realized – 'no, they are not the same. One has to be true; one has to be false.' So, I struggled for a few months: Which one is true?” he recounted.

What initially prompted Hormoz to reevaluate his belief in Islam?
Why was he encouraged to hear the message of the Gospel, which he called “the simplest message even a child can understand?”

Dr. Hormoz Shariat realized that the Gospel had changed his life, healed his marriage and understood that it could even change nations.
“I felt it's selfish if I keep it to myself,” he told Rosenberg.
He started with a home ministry that turned into a church that expanded into multiple churches. Today, his satellite TV channel brings God’s word to more than seven million Iranians every day.

How did God show him the way to lead a spiritual awakening in Iran?
Don’t miss this week’s episode.
THE ROSENBERG REPORT airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. EST and Saturday nights at 9:30 p.m. EST – on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the most-watched Christian television network in the United States.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.