On the brink of war, Christian media leaders call to pray for Europe and for God to thwart an invasion of Ukraine
ALL ISRAEL NEWS Joel Rosenberg, CBN’s Chris Mitchell and TBN’s Erick Stakelbeck urge Christians to pray for wisdom for world leaders, for Putin as he seeks to instigate war in Europe

Three prominent Christian media personalities and experts on the Middle East called on believers to pray for world leaders to look for divine guidance and make wise decisions to prevent a war in Europe.
ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg said that believers should pray for Russian President Vladimir Putin since God has changed the hearts of many leaders throughout history.
“We've got to love our enemies, to pray for our enemies,” he said. “Pray that God thwarts this invasion. Pray for the believers in Ukraine that they would be bold, that they would be courageous, that they would preach the gospel to their countrymen who are facing another 70 years of Russian occupation.”
In a conversation with CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell and Erick Stakelbeck, host of “The Watchman” on TBN, Rosenberg said he wished Israeli leaders would know how to navigate between delicate interests of both Russia and the United States during the tense period.
“A little country like ours cannot afford to tick off a czar who is on the military move,” he explained.
Rosenberg met with the two Christian media hosts at TBN’s Jerusalem studio, overlooking the Mount of Olives and the Old City. Rosenberg recently returned from a trip to Estonia, where he interviewed the controversial new leader of the opposition, Martin Helme, who could become the country’s next prime minister with his party leading the polls.
Rosenberg noted that Helme wants to improve relations with Israel and potentially move the Estonian Embassy to Jerusalem. The imminent threat from Russia is pushing pro-Israel leaders in Europe to seek a close relationship with the Jewish state – a small country known for its defense capabilities.
“The Estonian leadership fear that if Putin does invade Ukraine, that the Baltic states are next - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,” Rosenberg adds. Estonia is just two and a half hours from the Russian border.
Stakelbeck, who is visiting in Israel for a week-long Watchman production, said that although much of the world’s attention is dedicated to Europe and North American affairs nowadays, Israel must always be kept in prayers.
“You need to keep this land on your minds and on your heart and in your spirit, because this is the epicenter. This is where these momentous events are unfolding right now. All of the prophetic chess pieces are moving on the board, and it all happens right here in Jerusalem, so it should never be far from your heart,” he said. “As much as we are concerned with what's going on in our own backyards, no matter where we live.”
Chris Mitchell added: “We pray for wisdom for the leaders in Europe, in America, in this region. We pray for wisdom for the leaders in Israel, for great wisdom as they navigate a diplomatic tightrope. Right now, we pray for the Jewish people there in Ukraine, who many of them are thinking of coming back here to safety in Israel.”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.