Headlines from Jerusalem: Israeli Freedom Convoy arrives in Jerusalem – Ep. 10
Most of the world has heard that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enacted the Emergency Powers law in his nation. Israel has its own version of that law and that is the primary reason for the #IsraeliFreedomConvoy that arrived in Jerusalem this week and is ongoing.
I spoke with the protestors – many of whom have set up camp – and attorney Rotem Brown. Brown is extremely concerned with the Special Powers Law in Israel, the government’s quest to give everyone a digital code and the general governmental overreach, which includes a concealed agreement with Pfizer to test how or if Israel can reach herd immunity with its vaccine.
She discussed all this and more in an exclusive interview.
Related articles:
Vote on controversial 'Special Powers' law delayed for now amid opposition, protests
VIDEO: Israeli Freedom Convoy in its third day – more than 50 tents erected outside the Knesset
Up to 30,000 vehicles joined Israel Freedom Convoy, arrived in Jerusalem late Monday

Nicole Jansezian was the news editor and senior correspondent for ALL ISRAEL NEWS.