All Israel

First shipments of humanitarian aid arrive through Gaza pier

Aerial view of temporary humanitarian aid pier on Gaza's coast (Photo: IDF)

After delays due to weather, a temporary pier along Gaza’s coastline built by the U.S. military, has become operational.

Israel Defenses Forces announced on Saturday that its forces have facilitated the transfer of 310 pallets of aid into Gaza for distribution.

The temporary pier along Gaza’s coastline serves as a new entry point for humanitarian aid into the enclave.

"The IDF will continue its efforts to facilitate and increase the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip by land, air and sea, and in accordance with international law," read the IDF statement.

In March, the United States decided to build the pier as part of an international effort to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip amid the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization.

On Monday, a third humanitarian aid border crossing was opened by Israel “as part of the effort to increase aid routes to the Gaza Strip, and to the northern Gaza Strip in particular,” the IDF stated.

The Western Erez Crossing, situated near Zikim in the Negev Desert, was built by IDF engineering units in cooperation with the Defense Ministry’s engineering department and Crossings Authority.

The provision of humanitarian aid for Gaza's civilian population has been a critical issue and a frequent point of criticism of Israel.

The IDF has published evidence on several occasions showing Hamas stealing international aid from Gazan civilians.

For example, in December the IDF released drone footage showing members of Hamas bringing bags of humanitarian aid into their own vehicles and assaulting civilians who attempt to interfere. The supplies were reportedly taken to a Hamas-controlled location. 

"Hamas members beat civilians and steal the humanitarian aid they received from international organizations - facilitated by Israel. Hamas puts its terrorist goals over Gazans' needs,” Israel Defense Forces said in a statement at the time.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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