The unfair comparison between Ukraine and Israel
Perhaps, even more than sealing the southern border and solving the inflation problem, U.S. President Donald Trump longs to preside over a war-free administration, where no conflicts are threatening to pull America into the fray.
And that is why he’s already wasted no time in floating solutions to bring about a compromise which will stop the fighting between Russia and the Ukraine, which is why the new incoming president has told Putin to, “end the ridiculous war in Ukraine or face new sanctions, with the imposition of high tariffs.”
If successful in his bluster, Trump will be able to avoid investing billions more into a government which has neither accounted for the vast sums already sent to it, nor seems to be capable of overtaking the Russian president, whose aspirations are to reclaim large chunks of territory he says historically belonged to them at one time. Consequently, this is not a conflict which appeals to Trump’s pragmatic America First Agenda, upon which he hopes to focus.
The other major conflict, concerning Israel, however, is more than a land dispute. In fact, it’s even more than a genocidal goal of putting an end to the Jewish people, both in the Middle East and elsewhere. Because this part of the world, encompasses the territory which houses radical Islam, whose chief aim is to wage war until Islam has worldwide dominance under Sharia law.
To that end, a caliphate (Islamic form of religious/political government) must be set up everywhere, subjugating all citizens and forcing them to convert. For those who refuse, they will be downgraded to a dhimmi status, which is nothing more than enslavement, in deference to those who rule as they destroy freedom and liberty. In short, the conquering of all nations is the final objective.
Since that would include the U.S., and all of the free world, it’s hard to make the case that these two current wars of Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthis/Iran are on any kind of equal footing. One involves a very localized area, where the other involves worldwide domination.
Nonetheless, the underestimation of the second, by pairing it with the first, is likely to be a major blunder which, in the hope of ending all ongoing wars, will result in a simplified solution that fails to recognize the centuries’ long plan to control and eclipse others, all in the name of their prophet who demands that each following generation succeed where he failed.
That sweeping goal will leave no one behind as it continues its jihad (struggle against the enemies of Islam). By recruiting mostly uninformed, ignorant Woke youth, who think it’s cool to join a rebellion, they prop up victimhood, the highest status to which one can attain, affording them all kinds of special dispensation and excuses as they blame others for their plight.
This is one of the stark differences between the Ukraine/Russia war and the war which was foisted upon Israel since October 7th. The intersectionality of Woke/Victimhood and the unexplained admiration for bloodthirsty terrorists who, instead of being scorned and vilified are praised and embraced, has changed the trajectory of how evil was once portrayed. Woke ideology has provided the wind needed to catapult the sails of jihadis who can operate with impunity, even as they are compared to the same Russian and Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting a war over a territorial dispute.
The inability to comprehend the end game of radical Islam, as it tries to take on the small state of Israel, with the hope of then advancing their fight to Europe, the Americas and the rest of the world, is to ignore the eventual great war which will engulf the entire planet, in a battle for freedom and life itself.
It is for this reason that Trump, along with his administration, need to stop seeing these two wars as similar skirmishes which simply need to be extinguished for the betterment of all. Because while Putin may, indeed, be worried enough, over the type of punitive measures which are being threatened against his country, causing him to eventually agree to peace, there is almost no chance that such a strategy will work for the Middle East.
Unquestionably, the U.S., after four disastrous years of the Biden administration, which unleashed lawlessness in unprecedented ways, has its work cut out for it in trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. That is the whole idea behind the America First Agenda, which seeks to solve the country’s ills and place the best interest of all Americans front and center. In normal times, that is as it should be, but does anyone believe we’re living in normal times?
As Islamic terrorists feel emboldened, due to weak governments, supported by the Woke ilk and financed by most of the world, why would they stop their crusade now, especially as they’ve made the most headway since the 7th – 8th century, when “the establishment of Islam upon the Arabian Peninsula and the subsequent rapid expansion during the early Muslim conquests became one of the most significant empires in world history.”
So, while much progress can be made to rectify all of the profound problems which have plagued America – everything from redefining gender to the constant school shootings, to the glorification of illegals by allowing them entrance into the country, whether they’re murderers or rapists, the survival of all nations, including the superpower, will be in peril if it neglects the very clear intentions of radical Islam which is coming for them, just as soon as it accomplishes its goals here in the Middle East.
By all means, reel in Putin, and bring about some workable solution between Ukraine and Russia, but don’t make the fatal mistake of lumping that war with the events that are taking place in Israel. Because these savages not only hate us but also hold their own people with contempt as they cynically use them as disposable props in a war for media body counts attributed to the IDF.
Had an America First agenda been paramount over the last 20-30 years, it would not have fallen on U.S. leaders to now scramble to fix everything in the next four years, at the expense of all other global urgencies. Sadly, this is not the time to focus their attentions on one hemisphere, because radical Islam has a strict timetable which will not wait until 2028!
A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.