The actress has been suspended from the show effective immediately despite her written apology
The actress has been suspended from the show effective immediately despite her written apology
Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Egypt and the U.S. take part in a combined naval training to improve maritime security and freedom of navigation
Israel says Amnesty “quotes lies spread by terrorist organizations;” NGO claims that Israeli authorities enforce a "system of oppression against the Palestinians,” calls for accountability
Israel’s Holocaust Museum reacts to Goldberg’s outrageous remarks, calls them an ‘unfortunate indication of a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism’
“We can truly lead the Middle East to a new horizon of peace,” Herzog says concluding his visit during which a Houthi missile targeted UAE territory
Demonstrators in Orlando waved Nazi flags and shouted anti-Semitic and anti-Black slogans in a rally organized by the National Socialist Movement
Osila Abu Assad promoted to Nazareth District Court judge, Israeli Judicial Selection Committee appointed six Arab judges and jurists to prominent positions
That being said, official adds that there's also a chance "that these talks could collapse very soon”
The one-day symposium explored how the Christian tradition has always struggled and still struggles to relate to Jewish faith with respect and dignity
Vows to expand accords to other countries in the region who are interested in peace with Israel
Tal Heinrich is a senior correspondent for both ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS. She is currently based in New York City. Tal also provides reports and analysis for Israeli Hebrew media Channel 14 News.