Why males and females should not share the same bathrooms
The new gender-neutral bathroom discussion

It seems ludicrous to even have to point out the very common-sense factors, which so clearly almost go without saying, but, in today’s upside-down world, where so many things defy logic, it might be worth reviewing why separate bathrooms for separate genders was, and still is, an idea worth preserving.
Although some have tried to make the argument that there is no discernable difference between males and females, it bears a reminder that the two genders are completely diverse from an anatomical aspect. To emphasize the obvious, that is the reason why women’s bathrooms do not contain urinals. Females are simply not built to take advantage of these protruding toilets, which are exclusively utilized by men.
Just that one singular factor should automatically disqualify the concept of shared-gender bathrooms unless someone is prepared to assure that urinals become relics of the past. It also goes without saying that no self-respecting, sane woman wants to walk in on men urinating in public view, and, likewise, no self-respecting, sane man would want his private space violated in such a way. Short of an exhibitionist, it’s absurd to think that anyone would vote for the inane idea of women sharing male restrooms.
And while we’re on the subject of anatomical differences, it would be helpful for someone to explain the recent installation of tampon machines in American middle-school and high-school boys’ bathrooms. In what body part are they to be inserted? Of course, no one has offered such guidance. In the year 2023, it is the visual accommodation that matters more than the practical aspect of being honest enough to admit that boys have no use for them whatsoever.
Herein lies the problem. Today’s Woke, progressive proponents seem to want to defy logic and nature. The fact that men are not biologically capable of becoming pregnant has no relevance when it comes to offering the design of a pregnant man emoji on telephones. Nor is it pertinent that men, who have no birth canal, would be able to push out a baby in the same way a woman can.
We are expected, and even obligated, per these lunatics, to disregard creation, gender function, our own eyes, judgment and intuition as it relates to the delusions and fantasies of a segment of the population that is obviously suffering from mental disorders.
Tennessee’s best-known competitive swimmer, Riley Gaines knows this all too well since having to share bathrooms and locker rooms with her fellow competitor, Lia Thomas who is rightly a fellow. Feeling humiliated and frightened, one team member actually resorted to hiding in a broom closet in order to avoid undressing in front of a man, posing as a woman. But these swimmers were not the only females forced to endure such indignities. Nowadays, it’s a trend which is becoming more common than what is being admitted.
A Google search on the subject, based on skewed algorithms, will assure inquiring minds that charges of being a predator or engaging in voyeurism, in gender-neutral bathrooms, are merely a myth that has led to unfounded hysteria. By their way of thinking, separate bathrooms for separate genders are simply political. To ban a man, who identifies as a female, from using a women’s bathroom, is to endanger that individual whose rights must, for some unstated reason, take precedence over the rights of all others.
At least, that was apparently the thinking behind the Los Angeles Korean spa for women, which allowed a male who identified as a female, to be considered as one of the gals. The problem was that the man in question, Darren Merager, had a criminal history, ultimately being arrested on five felony counts of indecent exposure. The fact that he was welcomed into the spa, as an equal to other females, created conditions whereby the female patrons had to either adapt themselves to the male anatomy freely displayed by Merager or vociferously complain, which they did, but, nonetheless, found themselves ignored by the spa owners.
In short, the expectation was to adjust one’s expectations and adapt to a new reality or choose to withdraw your membership.
As shocking as it may seem, the law is on the side of the unthinkable, as just this past June, a female judge ruled that Washington State Olympus Spa must accept trans women with penises.
In other words, the law is essentially telling biological women that their expectation of a safe space while undressing may be subject to their viewing of male genitalia, something which, in any normal society, would be viewed as obscene and indecent, blatantly crossing a serious line.
Gender-neutral bathrooms, as they’re now called, have become the focus of a new discussion, only because they are part of a hijacked political agenda doing its best to introduce yet another bizarre ideology into society, with the aim of forcing all of us to accept it in the name of “inclusion.”
But this will never fly, even if protected by law, because religious women, women with principles and women who are unwilling to walk around nude, even in front of other women, will, if necessary, resort to the broom closet before they are ever forced, against their will, to expose themselves or be exposed to others, whose body parts confirm they were clearly born a different gender.
It is actually the first Bible story, found in the book of Genesis, which tells us that the first acknowledged wrong was Adam and Eve, discovering their nakedness, attesting to the fact that, once sin entered the picture, it was no longer proper to walk around that way. Why is it okay now for biological men, who identify as women, to do so without qualm or penalty?
The answer might lie in the fact that part of the trans agenda is to supersede God’s laws while endeavoring to change the conscience of humanity by proposing a complete overhaul of what we know as morality.
For those of us, however, who are still in full possession of our faculties, reality cannot be wished away, re-legislated or weaponized in order to suit a new iteration of mental disturbance that is trying to become mainstream.
Most of us will still look for the skirted or trousered symbol on the door, letting us know we’re in the right place, which coordinates with the gender into which we were born.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.