All Israel

WATCH: Divine protection for Israel: Praying against Iranian aggression

Join Kayla Sprague for this crucial episode of ALL ISRAEL Prayer Points, focusing on the imminent threat facing Israel on Aug. 9, 2024.

Click on the video above to watch or read the transcript below.

Shalom I'm Kayla Sprague. Welcome to our ALL ISRAEL prayer points.

As we gather to pray for Israel and the Jewish people, let's focus on the critical events shaping the region this week, as well as the promises of God in scripture.

Our first prayer focus concerns the imminent threat of the Iranian attack on Israel.

After months of rising tensions, intelligence reports suggest Iran may be preparing for a massive missile and drone strike against Israeli targets.

The potential assault comes in retaliation for recent Israeli operations, including the elimination of key Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.

Our second prayer focus involves Israel's preparation for the potential escalation.

The IDF has raised its overall readiness to the highest levels, with air, ground and missile defense forces on full alert.

Meanwhile, the United States has deployed additional warships and fighter jets to the Middle East in a show of support for Israel.

Our final prayer focus addresses the broader implications of the situation.

The threat of a major Iranian attack has sent shock waves through the region, raising fears of a wider conflict that could engulf multiple countries.

Diplomatic efforts are underway to de-escalate the situation, but the outcome is uncertain.

So how can we be praying, specifically?

Let's turn to our prayer points and end with scripture

First, let's pray for divine protection over Israel:

  • Safety for Israeli citizens and military personnel

  • Wisdom for the IDF leadership in defensive strategies

  • Guidance for the Israeli government in decision making

  • Effectiveness in Israel's missile defense systems

Let's also pray for peace:

  • That God would change the hearts among the Iranian leaders

  • Protection of innocent civilians throughout the entire region

  • Progress towards lasting peace and security such that aligns with God's will

Let's pray for wisdom for international allies:

  • Discernment for the U.S. leaders supporting Israel.

  • Unity in the international community against terrorism

  • Clarity and resolve for those working to prevent escalation

  • Effective coordination between Israel and its allies

And finally, let's pray for comfort and hope for all affected:

  • Emotional resilience for Israelis under threat

  • Healing from trauma for communities in the region

  • Strengthening of faith for believers in Israel and the surrounding nations

We pray for hope and courage for those living in uncertainty, and for God to draw the hearts of Jews and Arabs to himself.

Let's stand on God's promises for Israel together, reminding God of His covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12:3. "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you. And through you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

Let's pray for protection for those who bless Israel:

  • Wisdom for the nations and their stances towards Israel

  • A manifestation of God's faithfulness to His chosen people

As we conclude, let us remember the words of Psalm 121: "For indeed He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."

Our God is faithful. He hears our prayers.

May we continue to stand in the gap for Israel and the Jewish people, and for peace in the Middle East.

What scriptures are you praying for Israel in this time?

Stay tuned for more updates and prayer points in the coming days.

And may the God of Israel bless you and keep you. Shalom.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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