Tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, an observant Jew says Christian revival is the answer to US ‘wokeism’ problem
Newsweek Sr. Editor Josh Hammer tells Joel Rosenberg that a progressive dark hour calls for a Jewish-Christian alliance

Tonight, on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, Newsweek's Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer and ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg zoom in on the No. 1 threat to America: The ‘woke’ ideology.
“If you look from the administrative state to the judiciary, to the corporate boardroom, to the K through 12 classroom, this thing rears its head like an ugly, ugly cancer,” says Hammer.
He warns that unless Americans rise to the challenge and find a way to defeat ‘wokeism,' it has the potential to engulf an entire society.
One of the most concerning and dangerous reflections of ‘wokeism’, according to Hammer, is “gender ideology" which he calls “gender Jihad.”
In an eye-opening conversation with Rosenberg, Hammer describes his firsthand exposure to pornographic material in elementary school classrooms. He says that for a very long time, the political left has been trying to establish that the custodians of the nation's future are not parents and the nuclear family but rather the state and its ruling ideology.
Hammer offers a solution that presents a “substantive counter vision.”

But surprisingly, even though he is an observant Jew, he believes the answer to ‘wokeism’ in America lies in a robust revival of Christianity.
Don’t miss the full episode of Rosenberg's exclusive interview with Josh Hammer.
THE ROSENBERG REPORT airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. EST – and Saturday nights at 9:30 p.m. EST – on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).
Learn more about the show – and watch past shows – at

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