ALL ISRAEL NEWS Joel Rosenberg, CBN’s Chris Mitchell and TBN’s Erick Stakelbeck urge Christians to pray for wisdom for world leaders, for Putin as he seeks to instigate war in Europe
ALL ISRAEL NEWS Joel Rosenberg, CBN’s Chris Mitchell and TBN’s Erick Stakelbeck urge Christians to pray for wisdom for world leaders, for Putin as he seeks to instigate war in Europe
We are seeing ‘manifestations of mental illness’ in Moscow, right down to foaming from their mouths,’ says Oleksii Reznikov
Here is the official English text of President Putin’s address Tuesday night released by the Kremlin
Here’s one: 200,000 Jews live in Ukraine — but they may be coming to Israel soon
Putin’s alliance with Iran, Syria tells us all we need to know about his ambitions in the Middle East
As Kremlin masses 190,000 troops on Ukrainian border, Ukraine criticizes lack of Israeli support
Putin is testing Biden, who looks politically weaker by the day – and Israeli and Arab leaders are trying to determine if Biden can truly be trusted to defend America’s allies from its most serious enemies
U.S. Secretary of State warns of “consequences” if Putin overreaches; Israelis, Arabs closely monitoring situation to discern Putin’s intentions, Biden’s response