Rabbi explains the laws of shmita, how they bring blessing to Israel
Rabbi explains the laws of shmita, how they bring blessing to Israel
Here is what every Evangelical should know as we enter the Jewish High Holidays, a season of reflection and repentance
Also – why do Jews also use Hebrew letters to refer to the Jewish year and not just numbers?
With the arrival of five red heifers to Israel last week, it’s time to talk about what this might mean and why it could matter
Authors believe raising this issue could be "the most important thing" the Church can do today
From the time of Moses, centuries of unbroken tradition mark the Sabbath day – ALL ISRAEL NEWS interviews author, speaker Jodi Samuels to find out what Shabbat means to her
ALL ISRAEL NEWS tries to answer all of your most pressing questions about the West Bank.
Learn more about what makes the Middle East tick in our 101 educational series on the people and hot topics of the region
Author encourages readers to go on a "date" with Israel and come visit – borders open on March 1
Some commenters accuse IDF of trying to convert recruits to Christianity while Messianic soldiers defend their faith