Rosenberg to CBN News: Senior Israeli officials tell me most likely scenario for a Mideast war in 2021 is in the Lebanon theater
“In 2006, Hezbollah fired 4,000 missiles at Israel over 34 days,” says ALL ISRAEL NEWS founder. “But in the next war, Hezbollah could fire 4,000 missiles or more each and every day.”

After spending a day at an IDF base on the Israel-Lebanon border two weeks ago, and glimpsing firsthand the threat that Hezbollah poses to the Jewish state, ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg has a clear message: It is time for the world to start paying attention to Lebanon.
“Iran is using Hezbollah and southern Lebanon as a forward operating base to position 150,000 missiles aimed at Israel,” Rosenberg told Pat Robertson in an interview with the 700 Club founder this week.
Compounding the threat, the new U.S. administration has failed to take a strong stand against recent Iranian aggression, Rosenberg said.
“I’m not convinced that President (Joe) Biden and his team are understanding that the signals that they're sending to Iran, which I believe are signals of weakness and desperation to get back into the Iran nuclear deal, are actually emboldening the terror masters in Tehran,” Rosenberg warned.
Fueling Iran in its “apocalyptic, genocidal eschatology” of the coming of the Mahdi - who Muslims believe is the messiah who will come to judge the earth.
“All Muslims believe that the Mahdi, the savior in their eschatology, is coming. What makes the Iranian leadership different – and I would add the Hezbollah leadership – they believe that the way to hasten or accelerate the coming of the Mahdi and the establishment of a global Islamic kingdom or caliphate is to annihilate two countries” – America and Israel, Rosenberg explained.
This could lead to dangerous scenarios involving Iran instigating a regional war or, on a smaller scale, using the Shiite Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah for a proxy war against Israel, something which is vastly more imminent.
That’s why Rosenberg warns that although Lebanon has not been on most Americans’ radar screens except for the horrific, massive explosion in Beirut in August, it should be now.
“I believe that the convergence of forces and trend lines in the Middle East right now strongly suggests that a Third Lebanon War is the most likely war scenario in the Middle East in 2021,” Rosenberg said in the CBN interview.
In the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Hezbollah fired 4,000 missiles at Israel in 34 days.
“Now, senior Israeli security officials tell me it could be 4,000 missiles a day if a third Lebanon war breaks out,” Rosenberg warned.
“I have been talking to Defense Minister Benny Gantz and other senior current and former Israeli intelligence officials," Rosenberg continued. "The feeling is that if Biden goes down the road of (reentering) a flawed and weak nuclear deal – taking a 2.0 of the deal from a few years ago with Iran – that Iran is continuing to move steadily, I would even say rapidly, towards the enrichment of uranium to build those bombs that the Israeli officials I'm talking to, say we are getting to a dangerous point where we may not have a choice.”
In 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a speech at the United Nations drew his now famous red line on a picture of a bomb. He told the world that Israel would not let Iran reach the “red line” in its nuclear capabilities.
Rosenberg told Robertson that if the United States and the international community don't stop Iran, Israelis will feel they have no choice but to do it on their own.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.