Reaching the lost and hurting: Ministering to Israelis in a time of war
Part 2 of a two-part interview with Dugit Ministries founder Avi Mizrachi
Yeshua said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers for men!” At once they left their nets and went with him (Matthew 4:19).
When Avi Mizrachi’s mother and father separately came to Israel from Bulgaria after World War II, the two met for the first time in the beautiful and picturesque, ancient port city of Jaffa, where fishermen bring in and sell their daily catch to local restaurants and markets.
In the early 1950s, just as the rapidly growing suburb of Tel Aviv-Jaffa expanded into what is now one of the world’s most diverse and vibrant cities, a seed of faith was planted when Avi’s mother and family discovered the love of Yeshua. Over 40 years later, through Avi's vision and leadership, Dugit Outreach Ministries was born. By then, Tel Aviv had blossomed into a major economic and cultural center, dubbed “the city that never stops”.
Since the early 1990s, the Mizrachi family has been taking Yeshua’s words from Matthew 4:19 to heart, fishing for those who don’t yet know his life-transforming love. The ministry of Dugit (small fishing boat), founded by Avi, brings the good news of Messiah to the people of Israel by fostering relationships through outreach, events, and prayer.
During my recent conversation with the Mizrachis, Avi shared more about how the Dugit Center is helping Israelis during this difficult time of war.
Avi, can you tell me about the different aspects of the Dugit ministry and how it serves Israelis, both non-believers and believers?
The ministry of the Dugit Center was born after I completed Bible school in Texas. I felt God strongly telling me to go back to Israel and bring the truth of the Gospel to my people – the nation of Israel.
Our ministry believes God has called us to be fishers of men in our city and nation.
We faithfully share the life-changing 'Good News' with the people of Israel through personal relationships, exceptional hospitality, and outreach events. The Dugit Center serves non-believers via our Outreach Center-HaOgen, where we talk to non-believing Israelis daily about Yeshua when they come in for a good cup of coffee. HaOgen, which means 'the anchor' in Hebrew, is staffed by local Israeli believers.
We also have the Dugit Distribution Center where we help feed the less fortunate of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, including Holocaust survivors, single mothers and new immigrants coming in. We provide them with food and witness, and pray with them.
We also have the VIP Prayer Tower which is located on the 18th floor of a building in the heart of downtown Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Here we pray continually, lead worship and prayer services weekly, organize worship events in the city. Visitors from the nations are welcome to visit and pray at this location.
How has the October 7th tragedy changed or reshaped the vision of Dugit?
Since the 7th of October, the Dugit Center has continued its ongoing ministry but has also grown to incorporate helping the soldiers and families that have had to leave their homes due to the war.
We continue to supply equipment and food to soldiers on the front line fighting for our country.
How has Dugit been able to help Israelis overcome the traumas they have experienced?
In the wake of the October 7th tragedy and the ongoing war, beneath the turmoil that has rattled the nation of Israel, the Dugit Center has been busy reaching out to our people in need. At Dugit, we have been blessed to be able to help our suffering nation during this difficult time of war.
Can you share an example of how the practical help Dugit provided to Israelis makes a difference in their lives physically or emotionally?
One example is that we have provided supplies for the fighting soldiers since the beginning of the war. We have been able to provide equipment during critical times when the soldiers were defending the nation, but they did not yet have crucial equipment that could save their lives. The Dugit Center was there to provide them with what they needed. The Dugit staff have been able to go to army bases and to the front to deliver supplies and comfort during this time.
Are Israelis, in your opinion, becoming more open to hearing about Yeshua in their search for peace? Do they feel the support of believers from around the world?
I believe that the current war has caused many Israelis to think hard about their faith. When things begin to fall apart it causes one to think about what their life is based on and what they are living for. We have seen more and more Israelis reaching out to learn more about Yeshua.
Israelis are feeling the love of the Christian community around the world. They are trying to figure out that during this time when the whole world is against them, there is this one group that supports them – the Christians. It is causing them to look deeper into the faith of the Christians and what causes them to have such love for the people of Israel. Any Christian that shows love and support in this hour will be remembered. I believe that God is raising Christians for such a time as this to stand with the Jewish people.
Has Dugit been able to form relationships with people in the community that have changed the way non-believing Israelis view Messianic believers?
There is a long history of misunderstanding towards the Messianic believers in Israel. As the Dugit Center continues to be active in reaching out, Israelis are more and more aware of these Messianic ministries that are helping the people of Israel in very practical ways. This causes them to ask questions and learn about who we are and what we believe. As these relationships are formed, the lies that they were told begin to fall away and are replaced with a newfound respect and understanding for the Messianic community in Israel. We still have a long way to go but the Lord is moving, and we are seeing changes in society as a whole towards Messianic Believers.
The Dugit ministry vision is founded upon the covenantal promises God made to the Jewish people in scripture and the restoration of his people to the land. Can you elaborate on those promises in scripture?
The first thing we have to keep in mind when we think about Israel is how very important this people and this land are to God. He began by choosing Abraham and his descendants, Issac and Jacob. He gave them a specific portion of the earth, and He determined that He would use them to bless the whole world.
It’s obvious that God called this nation to be His people in a unique way and that He refers to this land as He does to no other land on earth (Joel 1:6; Zechariah 2:5–7; Genesis 35:10–15). Even before God makes His covenant with Abraham, He declares that those who stand with Israel will be blessed and those who do not will be cursed – for He is raising up Israel to be a light to the Gentiles.
The Lord’s covenant with the people of Israel is an “everlasting covenant” and the land He is giving them will be their “everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:7–19; 48:4). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul goes into great detail in Romans 9–11 about God’s ongoing commitment to the people and the land until “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26).
The second thing we need to keep in mind is that God is completely committed to this people and this land. In the original covenant God established with Abraham, He declared, “I will give you a people and a land, and through this seed, the nations of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 17:2–8).
You said earlier that you believe God is raising up Christians to stand with Israel for such a time as this. Can you explain Why it is so important for Christians to still care about Israel?
When we receive the Lord, whether Jew or Gentile, we spiritually inherit the Jewish legacy. We are one family! Remember the words of Yeshua Himself, speaking to the woman of Samaria: “Salvation is of the Jews.”
So as believers, if we are to be consistent with the whole of scripture, we cannot turn our backs on the Jewish people and the land of Israel.
What would you say is the most important thing for the Church in the West to know about what Israel is facing right now?
Perhaps one of Satan’s greatest schemes in these last days is to keep the Church in the dark about the importance of God’s eternal covenant with the people and nation of Israel. The scriptures tell us that a time is coming when all the nations of the world will turn against Israel (Zechariah 12:1–14). We see this happening now before our eyes. If this truly is the last hour, we want to be found standing with Israel! (Luke 19:13; Matthew 25:13).
At the very end of time, the scriptures tell us that all the forces of evil will unite to come against two witnesses (Revelation 11). There is no doubt that throughout history, the “two witnesses” that have stood with God have been His people the Jews and the Christians – now eternally grafted together – as one new man!
But even if the Lord tarries, it is crucial that all Christians understand we are to stand with Israel because God stands with Israel. He honors those who honor Him. And He loves those who love what He loves.
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.
(Genesis 12:3)
For more information about Dugit Outreach Ministries, visit
Click here for more information about Avi Mizrachi's family story and his book, Legacy of Hope.
Avigayil Rivkah is a writer and speaker on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, Jewish culture and Israel news. She is a Jewish believer in Jesus and writes at