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WATCH: Prayer Points - July 26, 2024: Hostages, Negotiations and Rising Antisemitism

Join Kayla Sprague for our weekly ALL ISRAEL Prayer Points video, guiding intercessors in praying for current events affecting Israel and the Jewish people worldwide.

In this July 26, 2024 edition, we cover three critical topics:

1) Recovery of Israeli hostages' remains

2) Potential hostage deal and ceasefire negotiations

3) Rising antisemitism in Europe

Our prayer points focus on comfort for grieving families, wisdom for leaders in negotiations, and protection for Jewish communities facing increasing threats. Let's stand together in prayer for Israel, seeking God's will and peace in the Middle East.

Click on the video above to watch or read the transcript below.

So many of you have asked how you can pray for Israel during this time, and the Bible encourages us to pray for Israel.

But what exactly should we pray for?

Here are some prayer points you might want to consider this week.

I'm Kayla Sprague.

Welcome to our very first ALL ISRAEL Prayer Points video for July 26.

Our goal is to inform you and guide you in intercession while we see these current events unfolding, and see the effect that they'll have in Israel and for the Jewish population worldwide.

Let's begin with our first story.

The IDF have recovered the bodies of five Israeli hostages that were killed during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

These individuals were taken into Gaza and their remains have now been returned to their families.

Join us in prayer for comfort for the victims families. Peace beyond understanding, healing from this immense grief, strength and difficulty, and closure for the families.

Our second story concerns ongoing negotiations for a hostage deal and ceasefire.

A Biden administration official has stated that a hostage and ceasefire deal is very close, pending a list of hostages from Hamas. This potential agreement could lead to a six week pause in hostilities.

Join us in prayer for divine guidance and wisdom and protection for Netanyahu and other leaders of Israel. Discernment to see the schemes of the enemy. The safe return of hostages, and protection for those hostages still held captive.

Our final story addresses the concerning rise of antisemitism in Europe. A recent EU survey reveals that 96% of European Jews experience antisemitism daily, with over 50% fearing for their safety and security.

Join us in prayer for protection and wisdom for Jewish communities worldwide. Guidance for those considering aliyah. Encouragement for Jewish believers in Yeshua in the diaspora.

As we conclude, let us remember that our prayers are powerful and effective.

May we continue to stand in the gap for Israel, for the Jewish people, and for peace in the Middle East.

May our intercessions rise like incense before the throne of God, bringing about his will on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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