Impressions on Christians Celebrating with Jews on Jerusalem March

"What a people!" exclaimed a religious Jerusalem resident with enthusiasm, repeating, "What a people! They make us feel like..."
He paused, momentarily at a loss for words, then added, "May the Eternal One be blessed!" while pointing skyward.
The Jerusalem March of the Feast of Tabernacles on Wednesday was a truly extraordinary event.
Despite recent incidents of anti-Christian sentiments, followed by calls for protests on one side, and numerous antisemitic comments following a recent video gone viral posted by a Christian missionary in Jerusalem on the other, the event itself remained untainted by such negativity despite concerns prior to the Wednesday's parade, thanks be to God.
After all, not everyone in Israel is thrilled about hosting such a large Christian crowd gathering in Jerusalem, and not all Christians around the world share the same love for the Jewish nation.
However, it is precisely for this reason that the Feast of Tabernacles celebration together in the heart of Israel holds greater significance. It demonstrates that an increasing number of people on both sides are willing and able to transcend past sins committed in the name of Christ, by false Christianity, and that it is possible to overcome prejudices and suspicions. Instead, the groups has come together in joyful anticipation for the real peace and happiness promised by God through the prophets in the Messianic Age to come.

This afternoon, the streets of Jerusalem were teeming with Christian believers from across the globe, proudly waving the flags of their respective countries. They gathered to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot alongside the Jewish people in Jerusalem, embracing the joyous and hospitable spirit of the feast as commanded by God. They expressed their love and support for Israel with their traditional attire, music and dance.
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, himself, led the march, eliciting enthusiastic cheers from the onlookers.
As the procession marched along the route, a diverse crowd behind barriers reflected the highly represented religious groups residing in Jerusalem.

Beyond the vibrant parade of participants, it was equally captivating to witness these same religious families thoroughly enjoying the Flag March.
The entire event was imbued with a unique and euphoric atmosphere, as though Jerusalem had already become the capital of peace; as if the belief in Yeshua (Jesus) as the promised Messiah born in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago – the one who died as an atonement sacrifice to God for the sins of all people, the One who defeated death and rose again by God, the Prince of Peace and Savior of the world – was never perceived as a threat to Jewish identity.

Yehuda is a former mathematics and science teacher in Israel's first accredited Messianic school, based in Jerusalem, holding academic degrees in mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He joined the ALL ISRAEL NEWS staff in August 2023.