Israel & America’s Greatest Threat - Inside the Epicenter, Episode 91
Are the U.S., Israel, and her allies facing the most significant threat in their history?
In this episode of Inside The Epicenter with Joel Rosenberg, we learn about the enormity of the current threat against the U.S. and Israel from retired Lieutenant-General William Boykin.
Boykin shares excerpts from recently declassified documents and personal anecdotes from his distinguished 36-year military service that underscore the enemy’s dangerous nature and belief system.
He urges the body of Christ to pray and speak out against the evil tactics of radical jihadists, citing America’s complacency and capitulation as an enormous danger.
Listen to learn more about who the most significant threat is and how important it is to be praying through these crises and threats.
Listen to the Podcast on the The Joshua Fund website.

The Joshua Fund® is a non-profit educational and humanitarian relief organization to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus.