Inside Look: What the WEF was up to at the Davos gala

Returning after a two-year-long COVID break, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wasted no time in setting its very packed agenda for how they feel the world’s ills should be resolved.
First and foremost – the predictable and ever-popular climate agenda: Arriving by emission-emitting private jet, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry vowed that the limit for global temperature hikes would remain at 1.5 degrees Celsius, as determined by the world’s governments.
China’s economic envoy allowed everyone to take a big sigh of relief as he predicted economic growth returning to pre-pandemic levels.
The European commissioner admonished Europe to invest in clean technology.
Polish President Andrzej Duda pressed Germany to send their own home-made tanks to Ukraine.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said artificial intelligence will be incorporated into all of their company’s products.
U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh said companies should reconsider how they recruit and maintain their workers in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Crypto may be down but not out. Their presence was diminished but still represented at this year’s conference.
Among the many themes at the Davos conference, which got underway on Tuesday, there was one that took a front seat: “globalization is under siege.”
Who could have predicted that the global elites would play the victim card? After all, theirs is a holy and sacred charge to save humanity in every way possible, creating a more sustainable future, even at the expense of our own discomfort – but never at theirs – because they have been granted a special dispensation.
They are perplexed as to why everyone would not automatically laud their proposed innovations and reforms to end climate woes, inflation, hunger, poverty, war, energy issues and everything else you can think of, as well as some you haven’t.
To hear it from the WEF, “cooperation in a fragmented world” is what is most needed, because without it, we will all sink into the abyss of doom. Globalism is the WEF’s only hope.
Getting everyone on board will be the first order of business in setting our world right. Failure to do so will result in “imperiling the causes of liberal democracy and market capitalism.”
Fifty heads of state, 56 finance ministers, 19 governors of central banks, 56 finance ministers, 30 trade ministers and 35 foreign ministers were all present at the conference to discuss new trends regarding supply chains, the cost of trade and other related issues.
“Conspicuous in their absence are the bulk of the leaders of the world’s major economies,” stated Washington Post columnist Ishaan Tharoor.
Tharoor said optics was the reason. After all, how would it look for these world leaders to be seen in the company of global elites, who live vastly different lifestyles from their own country’s population, many of whom are suffering from real economic collapse as a result of bad governmental decisions?
But China did send a delegate, politician and economist Vice Premier Liu He, whose speech began with the statement, “mutual understanding is an important prerequisite for cooperation.”
Consequently, the vice premier stressed how important these face-to-face meetings were, rather than those conducted online.
He went on to explain the mechanics of the Chinese economy and why it’s significant. He said that President Xi Jingping created “ambitious blueprint for advancing Chinese modernization in the coming five years and beyond.”
Proudly touting that, despite the pandemic, they were able to keep their economy stable, He said he believes China managed well by limiting unemployment to only 5.6% and hopes to continue this type of progress and stability in the coming year.
Perhaps one of the most eye-opening statements made in his speech was that “China’s GDP grew from 54 trillion to 121 trillion yuan over the past ten years.”
It might be valuable for other world economies and leaders to take some time in order to figure out how they accomplished that, what it cost other economies and the inevitable economic world dominance to which it will, undoubtedly, lead.
LIke other speakers and leaders at the Davos conference, he spoke in broad terms, promoting innovation, education, sound integration of finance, technology and industry and productivity, but the substance lacked definition and detail. In short, everyone can subjectively interpret those aspirations as they choose
Yet, it’s probably fair to say that China’s definitions are likely very outlined, specific and almost certainly antithetical to how democratic and free societies would choose to advance their own agendas. But being too transparent is generally not a benefit to those who prefer to keep their cards close to their chest.
All the would-be solutions, indeed, must have been a welcome encouragement to the attendees, who were told that 2023 is the “year of the polycrisis” – where the problems of humanity are so profound that solving them would take a miracle.
Of course, the war in Ukraine has been a huge driver of all these crises, which have plunged world economies into the morass in which they find themselves. Ironically, that war is being hailed as the “just” one, which all countries are expected to support and prolong.
If someone was a bit suspicious, they might begin to think that the many global dilemmas facing the world today were actually made-to-order and commanded by those who have a stake in wanting to take control, as they enforce their oppressive solutions on an unsuspecting world with no remedies of its own. But such thoughts would be too sinister!
One thing is for sure, the annual Davos conference of the WEF is designed to foster compliance, lockstep cooperation, global community networking and the sense of unified goals wrapped in altruistic, aspirational language.
For those who enjoy being part of the global elite, basking in the limelight and being granted special privilege and entitlement to which no one else is afforded, it’s a pretty exciting event and one which is sure to yield sycophantic worship of the WEF’s agenda.
After all, how many opportunities do ordinary, mortal men have to become gods over humanity and all creation?

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.