I asked a WEF panel about its anti-human “overpopulation” narrative – no one on the panel renounced it

This past week I visited Davos, Switzerland, where many of the global elite gather every year to coordinate the transformation of the lives of ordinary people around the world – most of whom are wholly unaware of this group’s existence. For 20 years now, the World Economic Forum has hosted what they call an “Open Forum,” in addition to the invitation-only Annual Meetings which began in 1971. At the Open Forum, anyone is allowed to sign up, and the audience is able to participate by asking questions – though rarely is any opposition to the WEF’s ideological aims expressed. A few days ago, I was able to express such opposition.
One of the darkest aspects of the ideology of the WEF is its long-time focus on “overpopulation.” Many at the WEF believe that there are too many people on the planet, and that population growth must be curbed or reversed. According to those who espouse this view, “overpopulation” is a significant cause of climate change, due to the amount of carbon emissions caused by each human being—the less people on the planet, then, the less carbon emissions, and the more progress towards a “sustainable,” net-zero carbon emissions future. It was regarding this anti-human ideology that I posed a question to the WEF panel during a session titled “Nature Heals,” which you can view below:
While WEF panelist Dr. Mahmood shifted the focus away from overpopulation to fossil fuels, she acknowledged her solidarity with the overall view of the WEF, saying that “overpopulation contributes to climate change.” She noted, however that countries like China have already reversed their one-child policy. Rather than advocating for government policies to reduce the population, she argued that the world’s youth are already choosing not to have children: “One of the things young people are telling us is they don’t want to have children, because they feel that there’s, you know, that the world is such a terrible place to live in, they don’t want to bring another child into the world…we can’t dictate whether someone is going to reproduce or not, but what we can do is provide the information for them to make the right choices for them and their families.” In other words, the world’s youth have already largely adopted the WEF’s apocalyptic vision, and are now doing the WEF’s work for them.
Indeed, despite recent pro-life progress in America, abortion has become globally ubiquitous, with 73 million children murdered in the womb every year. Furthermore, the constant barrage of propaganda celebrating “sexual minorities” has led to over 20% of American Gen Z adults identifying as LGBTQ in 2021—twice as high as in 2017. The WEF and many of its most powerful partners are heavy promoters of abortion “rights,” the “normalizing” of LGBTQ lifestyles (working “really closely with Hollywood”), and even “affirming medical and psychological care” for “transgender youth”—in other words, the irreversible chemical and surgical sterilization of children. The intentional destruction of God’s design for sexuality, marriage and family, and the denial of the image of God in children in and outside the womb, are both key causes of the plummeting birth rates in America and across the world—and both are supported and funded by the WEF and its partners.
The world did not get to this point spontaneously and inevitably. Rather, these large-scale changes in human behavior were largely brought about through the propagation of an anti-human narrative—a narrative held and promoted by many powerful international groups, financiers, businessmen, and government leaders.
This population control agenda didn’t start with billionaires in the early 21st century, but existed long before anyone was using climate change as its justification. Influenced by the ideas of an 18th century English economist named Thomas Malthus, many 20th century Western elites began to see the rapid growth of humanity as unsustainable due to the limited nature of earth’s resources. The investment banker David Rockefeller was a vocal advocate of UN-led population control, and it was through Rockefeller that the founders of a group called “The Club of Rome” were connected. The Club of Rome, founded by advocates of international scientific planning Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, is most famous for publishing a report in 1971 called The Limits to Growth.
Peccei and King argued in the report that the human population would soon outgrow the necessary amount of resources on the planet, and that steps must therefore be taken globally to limit its growth through central planning. The Club of Rome also produced a document in 1991 titled The First Global Revolution, which stated the following: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill...All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself."
In a recent exchange between Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, Schwab boasted of his Club of Rome involvement, having hosted Peccei in the WEF’s third meeting in 1973: “the [World Economic] Forum at that time launched, actually, the Club of Rome report.”
Frequent WEF speaker Henry Kissinger, a former U.S. secretary of state and national security advisor, has also been a powerful advocate of population control. Schwab met Kissinger through a CIA-funded program at Harvard known as “Henry Kissinger’s International Seminar.” During the 2017 WEF meeting in Davos, Schwab thanked Kissinger for his “50-year-long mentorship,” and for his important role in the creation of, in Schwab’s words, a “new world order.”

In 1974, one year after Schwab helped launch the Club of Rome report Limits to Growth at the WEF, Kissinger directed the U.S. State Department to develop the confidential but since-declassified National Security Study Memorandum 200, which advised the U.S. government to pursue global population control. The memorandum contained a strategy to “create conditions for fertility decline” across the planet, and positively mentioned the contributions of the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, among others, to this endeavor. While acknowledging the legal constraints at the time pertaining to the promotion of abortion abroad, the memorandum argued that “it would be unwise to restrict abortion research.”
The memorandum also positively quotes Harvard's Department of Population Studies as saying the following: “Recent studies have identified more specific factors underlying fertility declines, especially, the spread of educational attainment and the broadening of nontraditional roles for women.” Furthermore, the memorandum even advocated for the “indoctrination of the rising generation of children regarding the desirability of smaller family size.”
Planned Parenthood, which is America’s largest abortion provider, was also created as a means of population control. Planned Parenthood received early funding from the Rockefellers, and many Planned Parenthood alumni have worked with the WEF. In an internal document compiled by one of its Vice Presidents named Fredrick Jaffe, known as the “Jaffe memo,” the organization mentioned the following as “proposed measures to reduce fertility”: “encourage increased homosexuality,” “encourage women to work,” and “abortion and sterilization on demand”– each of which have evidently been since adopted by the WEF, as well as by many of the governments, corporations and NGOs with which they work.

Mahmood said that young people want to have less kids because they do not want to bring a child into such a dark world. What is clear, however, is that it was the leadership of the WEF itself, along with its many ideological allies, that worked together to create the “conditions for fertility decline” which we see around us today.
Regarding the question of population control, the moderator of the WEF panel said that “clearly, the complexity is very high.” But what is so complex? What is so difficult about repudiating this Malthusian, anti-human ideology? As Elon Musk recently said: “This philosophy is the death of humanity.”

Jacob Leonard Rosenberg is an American-Israeli, an Evangelical Christian and the son of the founder of ALL ISRAEL NEWS. He writes about the intersection of science, technology, individual liberty and religious freedom.