Headlines from Jerusalem: Bah humbug! Israel deals another blow to tourism - Ep. 3
In this episode I speak with travel industry experts about the latest restrictions and their impact on Holy Land tourism
With fears of the Omicron variant overtaking Israel, the government decided last week to extend its current border closure to all foreigners for another 10 days which would end to Dec. 22. In addition, there is now a three-day quarantine in place for vaccinated travelers which would bring us to Christmas day.
In this episode, I spoke with two experts in the travel industry about these latest restrictions and how they are going to impact Holy Land tourism:
Elisa Moed is the CEO of Travelujah (www.travelujah.com) and a cofounder of Breaking Bread Journeys (https://breakingbreadjourneys.com)
Uri Steinberg runs Uri Steinberg Consulting (https://www.uristeinberg.com) and is on the Advisory Board of ALL ISRAEL NEWS. Here is the article referred to in the podcast: When will tourists be able to come back to Israel? You're not going to like the answer
**Register for the ALL ISRAEL/ALL ARAB NEWS–Travelujah Christmas Tour – Exploring the Nativity Trail from Bethlehem to Nazareth
Date: Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. EST, 9 p.m. Israel time
Link: https://virtualholylandtours.as.me/christmas
Cost: Free (Tip supported)

Nicole Jansezian was the news editor and senior correspondent for ALL ISRAEL NEWS.