All Israel
news brief

Gantz, Lapid and Eisenkot speak out against reservists plan to refuse service

Following a published letter from reservists serving in an elite air force unit stating they would not serve if the proposed judicial reforms go through, various government opposition leaders spoke out.

Benny Gantz, former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff and former defense minister, said military reservists should show up for service “without conditions.”

“I call on reservists and those in active service – continue to serve, to show up no matter what,” Gantz said at a party meeting.

In recent weeks, reservists from a range of units – including sailors, submariners, intelligence specialists and Special Forces operatives – have signed similar petitions against the government’s judicial overhaul.

Yair Lapid said on Saturday that he opposed threats by military reservists to refuse to serve if the reforms are passed. While being interviewed on Israel's Channel 12 news, Lapid said he understands the reservists fears, but said the nation needs to defend itself against external enemies.

Knesset Member Gadi Eisenkot, a member of Gantz’s National Unity party and also a former chief of staff, said, “While I too oppose the judicial reform, the IDF must be kept out of that debate, and those called upon to serve must do so without hesitation."

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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