'Freedom Convoy' expected tomorrow in Israeli capital in support of – and inspired by – Canadian truckers
Protestors will also meet at prearranged points around the country as organizers call for citizens to "take back the wheel"

As convoys spring up around the world both in support of and inspired by the Canadian truckers’ protest of vaccine mandates, Israel is also expecting one of its own on Monday.
At this point, there is no telling how large or expansive the turn out will be. But what we can tell you is that tomorrow thousands of Israeli truckers and other private drivers are expected to show up at the Knesset – the Israeli parliament – in Jerusalem.
According to a press release, “40 convoys will depart from 40 cities across Israel and will converge into one united ‘Freedom Convoy.’”
The convoy’s message – “Take Back the Wheel” – is a call to cancel all COVID-related restrictions and a return to normal life including canceling the Special Powers Law, or “Enabling Act,” which was just passed in the Knesset by a 9 to 3 vote. The law maintains a state of emergency and gives a governmental committee the power to impose restrictions in the event of a “health situation.”
In addition to the convergence in Jerusalem, protestors will meet at prearranged points around the country such as highway bridges where they will hold signs calling for an end to mandates and the vaccination campaign.
The Special Powers law first came into effect under former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a way to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Under Netanyahu, Israelis were placed under three national lockdowns that lasted for a cumulative minimum of five months. The airport was also closed for six weeks and Israelis were neither allowed to fly in or out of the country.
The organizers of the convoy – which is largely an organic and spontaneous response to international protests of a similar nature – said the recent morbidity wave has exposed “government shortcomings and poor management of the crisis which in turn has created a crisis of confidence.”
But Israel’s Green Passport was vastly reduced last week and the country is essentially reopened at most venues. So then why the protest tomorrow? We will try to find that out as events unfold.

Nicole Jansezian was the news editor and senior correspondent for ALL ISRAEL NEWS.