All Israel

Bennett's daughter tests positive for COVID amid recent surge in infections

Education minister's daughter also tests positive today sending her family into quarantine as well

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's daughter Michal Bennett, 14, accompanied by her mother, Gilat, receives her COVID vaccine on June 29, 2021. (Photo: Nimrod Glickman, Clalit Health Services/Sharon-Samaria District Spokesperson's Office)

The fully vaccinated daughter of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett tested positive for COVID-19 today, sending her family into quarantine.

Bennett had been tested earlier in the day after having ordered that all ministers undergo rapid testing before entering the Cabinet meeting. He result was negative.

Nevertheless, he left the meeting after receiving word of his daughter's test results. Michal Bennett, 14, received her two shots this summer.

The daughter of Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton also tested positive today, according to news reports. Shasha-Biton's daughter is vaccinated, the minister has said, and Shasha-Biton herself is also self-isolating.

This comes as Israel has marked its highest positive test rate – above 2% – in about six months aside from one day in October. The spike in COVID infections comes amid panic about the Omicron variant in Israel and warnings from Bennett that Israel has begun its fifth wave of the pandemic.

After having decreased to 81 last week, the number of seriously ill patients has risen to 98, including 45 people in critical condition, 18 on ECMO machines and 39 on ventilators.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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