4th month of God's year

As the weekly Shabbat comes to an end this week,( 6th July), we will enter, not only a new week but also the 4th month of God's Biblical Year. Its man-made name of 'Tamuz' was adopted from the Assyrian-Babylonian calendar, Tamuz being one of the main Mesopotamian gods, but thankfully it is NEVER referred to by this pagan name in the scriptures, only as the 4th month.
The only time Tamuz is mentioned in the scriptures is in Ezekiel 8:14 when The Lord is telling Ezekiel to see what the leaders of the House of Israel are doing in the dark, each one in the room of his own carved image, and that he, Ezekiel, will see even worse abominations. He took him to the north gate of The Lord’s house where women were weeping for Tammuz – Tammuz being a god of fertility, embodying powers for new life!!
It was during this fourth month that Ezekiel received his “Chariot vision.” (Ezekiel 1: 4-16) when The God of Israel said: “Human being I am sending you to the people of Israel, that nation of rebels who have rebelled against me ….because they are defiant, hardhearted….…whether they listen or not they will know a prophet has been among them! …..You are to speak my words whether they listen or not……
Open your mouth and eat what I am about to give you…..” then Ezekiel saw a hand stretched out holding a scroll.
This 4th month is ‘traditionally’ regarded as the saddest month in God's calendar, as it is "believed," this is the month in which Moshe destroyed the first tablets of The Law and burned the golden calf. However, it is a fact that in this fourth month, the walls of Jerusalem were breached during the 2nd temple period. (Jeremiah 39:2)
Now the 17th Tammuz is a Fast Day, and is the start of three weeks of mourning, called Bein HaMetzarim, Between the Straits, leading to the 9th day of the 5th month (Av), Tisha B'Av, the exact same day both the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed, 656 years apart, and the subsequent exile of many of the Jews from The Land.
Thankfully we are told in Zechariah: 8:18 that the fast day in this 4th month is one of four fast days that will become: "times of joy, gladness and cheer for the House of Judah. Therefore, love truth and peace." Hallelujah!
I thought this month it would be good to point out that observing the “New Moon” / “New Month” is God’s idea. I have a love of many traditions, but I think it very important we understand the difference between a “tradition” and a “God said.”
In Numbers 28:11, the New Moon offering is commanded for the first time: “On the first of every month, present to the Lord a burnt offering of two young bulls, one ram and seven male lambs a year old, all without defect.” In addition to burnt offerings, a goat was to be sacrificed to the Lord as a sin offering (verse 15). The New Moon festival marked the consecration to God of each new month in the year.
New Moon festivals were marked by sacrifices, the blowing of trumpets over the sacrifices (Numbers 10:10), the suspension of all labour and trade, i.e. a Shabbat (Nehemiah 10:31). Also a time of a family feast, as implied by David in 1 Samuel 20:5.
With all the commands of God there is always the danger, of course, of observing them, but without a true heart to follow God. Later in their history, the Israelites continued to observe the New Moon festivals outwardly, even after their hearts had turned cold toward God. They readily parted with their bulls and lambs and goats, but they would not turn from their sin. They relied on the outward observations to cleanse them, even though there was still rebellion in their hearts against The God of Israel.
God had severe words for such hypocrisy: “Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them” (Isaiah 1:13–14).
As always our Heavenly Father is looking for hearts after Him, His Word, and His Ways, His Torah, hearts that delight in being obedient to His Word, just because …….He is God and He said!
In Isaiah 66: 22 - 23 we read: “For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making will continue in my presence,” says Adonai, “so will your descendants and your name continue. Every month, on Rosh Chodesh, and every week on Shabbat, everyone living will come to worship in my presence,” says Adonai. Good times to come, indeed!
In more recent times it was in 1976, in this fourth month (4th July in the Gregorian calendar), that the amazing “Operation Entebbe” happened. An Israeli counter-terrorist mission went to Uganda in response to the hijacking of an international civilian flight.
The terrorists took hostages with the stated objective of compelling the release of 40 Arabs and other affiliated militants imprisoned in Israel as well as the release of 13 prisoners in four other countries. 102 of the hostages were rescued. The Israeli military suffered five wounded and one killed: Yonatan Netanyahu.
As The Nation of Israel enters this new 4th month we continue to pray for our remaining precious hostages still held cruelly by Hamas in Gaza for 9 months now. Remembering the three things this present Government stated as their end aims after 7th October:
Destruction of Hamas as a military organisation and regime in Gaza
Return of all hostages from Gaza
Prevent Gaza from posing a security threat to Israel in the future
Of course, added to that now, we have the increasing threat from Hezbollah in the North…. Lord have mercy on Your People and Your Land. May Your Will be done, swiftly and in the near future.
יהי רצון מלפנין יהוה אלהינ ואלהי אבותינו שתחדש עלינו חודש טוב
באדנינו ישוע המשיח
May it be Your will Lord our God and God of our fathers, that you renew for us a good month in our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.

Fran has lived in Israel since 1999 and resides in Ma'ale Adumim, outside of Jerusalem. She serves on the board for two Israeli non-profits, Be'ad Chaim and HaTikva Project.