As Hamas calls for ‘Global Day of Jihad’ against Jews, Israel urges Christians worldwide to speak up in defense of Israel
I spoke with former Netanyahu advisor Mark Regev about exactly how Christians can help right now

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – The leaders of the Hamas terror organization have declared today – Friday the 13th – a “Global Day of Jihad” against Jews and against Israel.
Hamas urges Muslims to take actions that will “shake the ground beneath the feet of the Zionist invaders.”
At the same time, Israeli leaders are urging Christians around the world – especially those in democratic countries – to not simply “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” but to “stand up” and “speak up” in defense of Israel.
They are urging Christians to make their voices heard by telling their governments to stand strongly with the Jewish people and the Jewish state while Israel is under such a brutal and bloody attack.
At the briefing for the international media that I attended yesterday here in Jerusalem, Israeli President Isaac Herzog made it a point to specifically thank the Christian community worldwide for being so supportive of Israel.
He also took questions from several Christian journalists who attended, and urged them – and all journalists – to “tell the stories” of the barbaric attacks against Israel, of the innocent Israeli civilians who have been massacred and kidnapped.
The world, he said, must know what Hamas is really doing here this week.
Also, this week on a special wartime edition of THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN, I interview Ambassador Mark Regev, a long-time key ally of – and senior advisor to – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
For years, Regev served as Netanyahu’s spokesman.
Later, Netanyahu appointed him to serve as Israel’s ambassador to Great Britain.

Now, he working at the “Kirya” – the massive IDF facility in central Tel Aviv, Israel’s version of the Pentagon – as Israel tries to explain to and through the international media the savagery we are facing from Hamas and why we have no choice but to fight back, and fight back hard.
During our interview, which aired last night at 9 p.m. EDT in the U.S., I thanked Regev for coming on my program and asked him to speak directly to the Christian community in the U.S. and around the world.
In a moment, I’ll share with you exactly what Regev said.
But let’s start with the messaging coming from Hamas.
The official statement issued by the terror group on Oct. 10 does not explicitly call for violence.
However, the language is so incendiary that Israeli police – along with the army – are on high alert.
What’s more, law enforcement officials in the United States and all over the world are stepping up their security measures to prevent terrorist attacks against Jewish people, Jewish community centers, synagogues, and Israeli embassies and consulates.
In New York City, all vacations and leaves have been cancelled and the NYPD is out in full force.

Here are excerpts from the Hamas statement worth noting:
“We declare next Friday, 'The Friday of the Al-Aqsa Flood,' as a day of general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the free people of the world.”
Al-Aqsa is the name of the mosque that stands beside the golden Dome of the Rock that is located on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, the very site where the First Jewish Temple and the Second Jewish Temple stood in Biblical times.
“Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah….We call upon the free people of the world to mobilize in solidarity with our Palestinian people and in support of their just cause and legitimate rights to freedom, independence, return, and self-determination.”
“Here is Palestine calling out to you, and Al-Aqsa Mosque calling out to you. It awaits your response to fulfill the duty of brotherhood and dignity, to stand with our people and their resistance, and to honorably defend the blessed land of Palestine and protect the dignity of our nation in its Jerusalem and ascension.”
“We call upon our rebellious youth throughout the West Bank, in its cities, villages, and uprising camps, in the streets and neighborhoods of Jerusalem, and at the squares of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, to rise up, join massive demonstrations.”
“Shake the ground beneath the feet of the Zionist invaders and their settler gangs.”
“Engage with their soldiers and cowardly army in every place, affirming the unity of destiny and the path towards Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, liberating them from the defilement of the Zionist occupation.”
The statement also calls on Muslims in Jordan and other countries neighboring Israel to rise up and make their voices heard against Israel.
Okay, now let’s turn to Israeli messaging to the global Christian community.
“Ambassador, I really appreciate you coming on TBN – the most-watched Christian television network in the United States – and of course, on this show, THE ROSENBERG REPORT,” I said to Amb. Mark Regev.
“What's your message to Christians? How can Christians in the United States and all of the world be standing with Israel at this time in prayerful ways and practical ways?”
Regev didn’t hesitate.
“To all Christians who live in democratic countries – and, unfortunately, there are some who don't live in democracies – but to all Christians who live in democratic countries, who care about Israel, who know the essential justice of Israel's case, I urge you to make your voices heard,” he began.
“Let your governments know that you are supporting Israel.”
“Let them know that there is no [moral] equivalency between Israel and Hamas, that it is the duty of all people – of all people of goodwill – to stand up against these brutal Islamist terrorists of Hamas, who are the twins of ISIS, the twins of al Qaeda.”
Hamas terrorists, he said, “have no qualms about killing the innocent, about butchering children, old people and young mothers taking people hostage – terrible, terrible things.”
“And I think it's important that the Christian community worldwide makes its voice heard.”

I absolutely agree with him.
This is no time to be a silent spectator.
It’s not just time to learn, pray and give.
Now is also the time to speak out.
Tell your elected representatives that you stand 100% with Israel in our war against Hamas and tell them that you want them to do so, as well.
Go on social media to educate and mobilize your friends to stand with Israel, while also expressing biblical compassion for the two million Palestinians who are living under the Hamas reign of terror in Gaza, and suffering terribly as a result.
Confront those who are attacking Israel, lying about Israel, and making us out to be monsters.
Tell the truth about who Hamas really is, what they’re really doing, and why they are so dangerous.
Tell the truth about how hard Israel works to protect Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
And tell the truth about what the Bible teaches about God’s great love and special plan and purpose for Israel and the Jewish people.
At the same time, we need Christians to pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his inner circle to know how to win the kinetic war against Hamas, as well as the war of lies and slander against the Jewish nation through the media and anti-Israel and antisemitic forces around the world.
As I wrapped up my conversation with Israel’s former UK ambassador, I told him that “this feels like the darkest hour for Israel,” referencing a movie from several years ago about the bombing of London and the resilience and wisdom that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill needed to rally his people to stay strong, never surrender, and fight on to victory.
“We've never really seen these civilian casualties,” I noted. “These civilian casualties are off the charts. We've never seen anything quite like this.”
“I think we're going to need ...we're going to need some bucking up and we're praying for the prime minister and his team, not only on the strategy but on the communications as well. I think that's very important.”
“As Churchill knew, Netanyahu clearly knows – you've worked with him closely on this – that making the case to the world is super important.”

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.